Sessione Inclusive Access to Presentations and Lectures - Hackcessibility Days - UGIdotNET
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Inclusive Access to Presentations and Lectures

Lingua: Inglese
Orario: 14:30  -  15:30

IRIFOR Macerata (Macerata, Italy) and Masaryk University (Brno, Czech republic), are developing the mobile application Polygraf. Polygraf is a wireless system that provides universal access to presentations and lectures. In real time it distributes synchronous transcription visualisation of speech (speech-to-text reporting) and at the same time it mirrors presentation screen to enhance the legibility on users’ mobile devices.
Our presentation will focus on the special feature to use Polygraf in education to visualise projections and digital whiteboards to students and children with vision impairment and increase the inclusion in educational digital life. We are describing the applications possibility to let children with sight loss follow a regular presentation with projected graphics and text. We will further on demonstrate how easy the application can be included in a regular teaching environment without the demand of special technical skills.